Strategic planning to enable you to authentically do what you say you will do i.e. we have the person at the centre and deliver person-centred services.
Evaluations of your current service models, deliverables and outcomes. Working with you to shape your future so that your services and supports embody the principles and spirit of EGL in a transformed service system.
Independent mentoring and/or supervision for operational leads, team managers and front line staff.

Strategic Planning & Creating Service Models
At times we awake to an understanding that we are not realising the potential we so often talk about. At other times this awareness could be more effectively characterised as a gnawing feeling in our gut that more is possible.
Despite our considerable efforts, energies and resources we are not achieving all that we desire for the people we serve, our staff and governors. Sometimes this is a result of us operating on service models and strategic drivers that have served their purpose and at other times we are literally trapped within our own constructs and simply don’t know how to change this.
At Allies our approach is to always go back to the heart of the matter, to the people you serve and their needs. From this vantage point it is much easier to clarify whether the services and supports you offer are in fact fit for purpose or in need of refinement. We believe that looking at service through the eyes of the service user is the first and foremost lens.
Evaluations of Current Service Models
Being day-to-day at the coal face can leave us literally not being able to see the wood for the trees. It is very difficult to be actively involved in service, particularly service leadership, without being sucked into the many and varied competing interests such as the needs of other parties (other being other than the primary service recipient), the requirements of funders, the constant pressure of accountants and business managers, the complex world of staff needs and this list goes on and on as you know. All of this exists before we factor in the demands of transforming our services to align with the principles and spirit of EGL and systems transformation.
At times there is considerable value in bringing in an arm’s length, unbiased and competent person or persons who can provide a clean look at what is actually going on.

Independent Mentoring or Supervision
Staff at the coal face of implementation can be under considerable pressure. The world of service delivery is not for the faint hearted, especially if we are authentically committed to serving the real needs of ‘our clients’ and dedicated to assisting them achieve the good things of life. It shouldn’t, but it often feels like we are in a battle!
Supporting and assisting these actors to continue on in their work is critical. Being able to take time to step back and regain perspective is a well tested and reliable method of assisting moral actors to maintain their energy, focus, perspective and courage.
Tony supported the mid-term evaluation of a $3.5m programme on inclusive education and rehabilitation in Papua New Guinea. Tony joined teams visiting various provinces interviewing different stakeholders, including staff from Inclusive Education Resource Centres, school teachers, headmasters, as well as families of children with disabilities. Tony’s person-centric approach was essential in identifying specific areas of work that needed to be strengthened in order to solidify the support systems needed to improve inclusive services related to access to education of children with disabilities in rural communities of Papua New Guinea.
We have engaged Tony to provide a range of work and facilitation for members of my team, as well as for information workshops for whanau and other providers. He is extremely knowledgeable of the disability sector, has relevant practical experience and is able to connect with a wide range of audiences.
Tony brought his range of experience and insight within the disability sector to assist our organisation in dreaming big and developing a client centred organisational vision. Through the introduction of the Enabling Good Lives Principles, and Tony’s expert guidance, we were able to develop an inclusive vision that factored in the strengths of staff, families and clients. It was a transformational moment for us as it allowed us to dream big, and realise the range of opportunities out there, as we are now working to form a new and improved strategic vision that will place those we support at the centre of all we do and strive to enable their best possible lives.